Latest Publication on ROILA

We recently had the pleasure of presenting our recent publication on ROILA at the IEEE RO-MAN conference in Edinburgh.

Mubin, O., Henderson, J., and Bartneck, C. (2014). You Just do not Understand Me! Speech Recognition in Human Robot Interaction. In the Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN). [PDF]

The publication describes an experimental study where we compared the recognition accuracy of ROILA against English across three different microphones (headset, desktop and microphone of the Nao robot) and for grammatically richer phrases. Our results showed that although ROILA was unable to outperform English but the microphone of the Nao robot was worse out of the three microphones and it was influenced by the head movement of the robot. Given below is a picture of the setup of our experiment.



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