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We were pleased to present ROILA and its demo recently on two separate occassions. The first was on June 21, when an internationl review board visited our department of industrial design to evaluate the quality of research done here. As part of their visitation we had the honour of presenting ROILA and also gave a working demo about it. A similar demo was given on July 6 (see video below), when the staff of Philips Research Eindhoven visited our deparment as part of research collaboration activities.

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Incase you have tried to install Sphinx and use it to recognize ROILA, we would like to point out a small glitch. While downloading Sphinx-4 from sourceforge, you may be tempted to install the latest beta version 4. However doing so and later on running Sphinx from within Java gives a Class not found exception for WSJ_8gau_13dCep_16k_40mel_130Hz_6800Hz.jar – which is the acoustic model class file. To have everything working smoothly please install either beta version 3 or 2. As soon as we figure out why this conflict happens we will let it be known.

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We are pleased to inform that we have had a paper on ROILA accepted to the 7th International Conference on Natural Language Processing (IceTAL 2010). We hope to be actively involved in the conference scheduled to take place in Reykjavik, Iceland. We will upload the final version of the paper in due course.

We have now written out a short technical primer describing how users can have ROILA being recognized by machines and LEGO NXT robots. Find out more details about it in the speech recognition section. Please do try it out and contact us in the case of any problems.

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We were pleased to prepare an initial working demo of the ROILA language in use while interacting with a LEGO NXT Mindstorms robot. The interaction was based on simple turtle robot graphics and comprised of navigation commands only, such as go left, go right, run, walk slowly, etc. Speech recognition would take place on an external laptop with the recognition results being transmitted via bluetooth to the NXT. Since Sphinx is built and coded using Java it comfortably linked with the Lejos firmware of the NXT. Very soon we will provide detailed instructions on how to accomplish this along with some sample programs.


Presented is the condensed version of the ROILA Vocabulary, primarily intended for beginning learners of the language. Read the rest of this entry »


We are pleased to announce that the website for the Robot Interaction Language (ROILA) has been officially opened. We offer a platform for the ROILA community which includes guides, forums and online courses. We hope that you find this web site useful.


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