Presented is the condensed version of the ROILA Vocabulary, primarily intended for beginning learners of the language. The words have been sorted alphabetically according to their english meanings. The word meanings have been assigned by using the vocabulary of Toki Pona (a 115 word artificial language) that promises to be one of the simplest languages around and ideal to express basic concepts. The english meanings of the Toki Pona words were first sorted by frequency of occurence using the metrics provided by the Department of Psychology, Gent. Consequently, the more frequent the word was the shorter word length it would have in the ROILA vocabulary.
English Meaning | ROILA Word |
accident | fituje |
air | wifawe |
and | sowu |
animal | popike |
anything | kela |
away | bufak |
back | nole |
bad | topik |
be | mufe |
because | kijo |
big | kasok |
bird | mipuki |
black | japipa |
blue | kutuju |
body | finos |
bottom | lawuti |
box | lujusi |
bug | lamine |
button | kawuba |
can | leto |
cold | bosipu |
color | wekepo |
Come | fiki |
crazy | patap |
death | bukuf |
device | wemete |
difference | juwike |
dirty | bujeti |
end | pekot |
everything | jusaw |
eye | lifelu |
feel | wetok |
fight | wikab |
fire | nejoj |
fish | busenu |
food | pabulu |
foot | sotuja |
front | womamu |
fruit | wikute |
fun | babot |
furniture | kelupu |
game | simoti |
give | bufo |
good | wopa |
group | makuni |
hand | jiwos |
have | saki |
he | liba |
head | babej |
hi | jabami |
hole | fibale |
house | bubas |
I | pito |
inside | pawop |
it | supa |
know | bati |
land | seseme |
left | webufo |
life | fenob |
Listen | lulaw |
little | kute |
long | lepol |
love | loki |
man | losa |
money | fesis |
moon | komupe |
mother | fikuj |
mouth | jojitu |
name | wafub |
new | kulil |
No | buse |
number | felit |
of | fomu |
one | kilu |
only | kopo |
open | mifuf |
or | buno |
outside | bajike |
paper | banafu |
paste | kewopo |
person | tiwil |
picture | witajo |
plant | tiwaba |
power | fasewa |
red | tifeke |
right | besati |
same | jebab |
see | make |
sex | nafewu |
she | mona |
side | tuwun |
sleep | masup |
solid | fewisu |
something | puku |
sound | mifemo |
stay | tipet |
sun | fokibu |
sweet | lenesi |
talk | seni |
that | pimo |
too | peka |
two | seju |
universe | tasesa |
up | kape |
use | seput |
very, also the word marker for the plural grammatical numbering | tuji |
walk | fosit |
want | jiwi |
water | tejim |
way | nawe |
What | biwu |
white | fepaka |
woman | nipib |
word marker for future tense | jifo |
word marker for past tense | jifi |
work | towo |
yellow | wipoba |
you | bama |
Tags: vocabulary
could you please tell me what the following ROILA words translate to in the english grammar , regards , pete .
could you please tell me what the following translates to in the english grammar language , regards Pete .
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