Presented below is the ROILA vocabulary, sorted by their English meaning. Also provided are links to sample audio recordings (Coming Soon). We also provide a shorter version of the vocabulary.
ROILA words are generated by a genetic algorithm which outputs a vocabulary that is deemed to have the least confusion amongst its consituent words. The algorithm is scalable and hence it can generate a vocabulary based on a user defined size.
The meanings of the words are taken from Basic English a concise version of the English language comprising of only 800 words (besides 3 word markers of our own). The words of Basic English were first sorted based on frequency of occurence using metrics provided by the Department of Psychology, Gent so that the shorter a ROILA word was the more frequent word it would be assigned as its meaning.
English | ROILA | Audio (Coming Soon) |
able | fumela | |
about | kapim | |
accident | fituje | |
account | menoka | |
acid | watenu | |
across | josoko | |
act | jilufe | |
addition | wosebi | |
after | bafema | |
again | wikef | |
against | fifufo | |
agreement | similu | |
air | wifawe | |
all | bomem | |
almost | fipolu | |
among | nelobi | |
amount | pemona | |
and | sowu | |
angle | supofa | |
angry | likoja | |
animal | popike | |
answer | fokofo | |
any | sojan | |
anything | kela | |
apple | pikulo | |
approval | wiweno | |
argument | sisana | |
arm | lanuwe | |
army | kalutu | |
art | kowonu | |
as | muwak | |
at | kufim | |
attack | kisate | |
attempt | sekuja | |
attention | jobeku | |
authority | pubowu | |
awake | pakume | |
away | bufak | |
baby | besesu | |
back | nole | |
bad | topik | |
bag | jotaka | |
balance | sumafu | |
ball | jinolu | |
band | lomuto | |
base | nasupi | |
basket | temini | |
bath | nolosu | |
be | mufe | |
beautiful | bujufi | |
because | kijo | |
bed | fisama | |
bee | tusani | |
before | wetow | |
behavior | pofuko | |
belief | woseti | |
bell | mojefi | |
bent | wusiwu | |
between | folifo | |
big | kasok | |
bird | mipuki | |
birth | nuwofo | |
bit | fatimu | |
bite | minino | |
bitter | tomeku | |
black | japipa | |
blade | tibawu | |
blood | fitani | |
blow | jomemi | |
blue | kutuju | |
board | lefabi | |
boat | jonofi | |
body | finos | |
bone | pebafe | |
book | fojato | |
boot | toloji | |
bottle | lupuma | |
bottom | lawuti | |
box | lujusi | |
boy | belutu | |
brain | kinili | |
branch | wanowi | |
brass | tobaka | |
bread | nususa | |
breath | mekobi | |
brick | wajipi | |
bridge | masete | |
bright | mesewi | |
broken | konowi | |
brother | bufofe | |
brown | lesaka | |
brush | tajumu | |
bucket | wapisi | |
bug | lamine | |
building | jisape | |
burn | lisune | |
burst | witofi | |
business | bolemo | |
but | fojib | |
butter | punolo | |
button | kawuba | |
by | pofan | |
cake | mebiju | |
camera | limuna | |
can | leto | |
card | kapuwe | |
care | besowu | |
carriage | wulelu | |
cart | wenosi | |
cat | lakowo | |
cause | bomefu | |
certain | kebase | |
chain | pufoni | |
chance | faliwu | |
change | fanajo | |
cheap | nafoju | |
cheese | mokafu | |
chemical | tojiki | |
chest | mimujo | |
chief | kinelu | |
chin | tikulu | |
church | kumake | |
circle | poteto | |
clean | jekute | |
clear | fomuja | |
clock | likopu | |
cloud | tofine | |
coat | mikafa | |
cold | bosipu | |
collar | tupebe | |
color | wekepo | |
come | fiki | |
comfort | sinefa | |
committee | pomofe | |
common | menomo | |
company | jakapu | |
competition | pulawu | |
complete | lukana | |
complex | tewola | |
condition | motaju | |
connection | pabipe | |
control | jasinu | |
cook | mawobu | |
copy | lufimu | |
cotton | tafuwo | |
cough | wikito | |
country | fulinu | |
cover | josipi | |
cow | pekumi | |
crack | nimawu | |
crazy | patap | |
credit | masabi | |
crime | kosino | |
cruel | sepawi | |
crush | sisumo | |
cry | lanila | |
cup | lukile | |
current | sipoja | |
curtain | tutuko | |
cut | fawofo | |
damage | nijofa | |
danger | metoto | |
dark | junobi | |
daughter | fonebe | |
day | wepip | |
dead | biboko | |
dear | febiti | |
death | bukuf | |
debt | tafite | |
decision | litifa | |
deep | kinipi | |
degree | susita | |
delicate | wefipu | |
design | sopoma | |
desire | puwase | |
destruction | tofomu | |
detail | sawuli | |
development | tinalo | |
device | wemete | |
difference | juwike | |
different | fesisi | |
direction | pesiko | |
dirty | bujeti | |
discovery | tofumu | |
discussion | titame | |
disease | pawume | |
distance | pejabu | |
division | senoto | |
do | bimuj | |
dog | fipuko | |
door | bowata | |
doubt | lelaka | |
down | petej | |
drain | wineno | |
drawer | tibawi | |
dress | junuku | |
drink | fabutu | |
driving | kiwulo | |
drop | jasupa | |
dry | mewuse | |
dust | petiju | |
ear | nipepo | |
early | jimope | |
earth | jiseku | |
east | luwali | |
edge | pileki | |
education | samala | |
effect | petamu | |
egg | pefawa | |
electric | sinuju | |
end | pekot | |
engine | nipumo | |
enough | besili | |
equal | tekafo | |
error | wekapa | |
even | tawut | |
event | pasote | |
ever | wufiw | |
every | bekusa | |
everything | jusaw | |
example | nuboka | |
exchange | safile | |
existence | tofiwu | |
experience | lepepu | |
expert | pomino | |
eye | lifelu | |
face | bubime | |
fact | fomose | |
fall | jetepe | |
false | pujowi | |
family | biwome | |
far | fejupu | |
farm | notupu | |
fat | kifefi | |
father | batuwa | |
fear | lajaso | |
feel | wetok | |
feeling | fopena | |
female | nojafo | |
field | kulami | |
fight | wikab | |
finger | mupine | |
fire | nejoj | |
first | titib | |
fish | busenu | |
fixed | ninebi | |
flag | sikufe | |
flame | welona | |
flat | pawoba | |
flight | lewute | |
floor | jipipi | |
flower | piwaja | |
fly | kefoji | |
fold | winusu | |
food | pabulu | |
foolish | sijulu | |
foot | sotuja | |
for | bijej | |
force | kufake | |
fork | weseto | |
form | mififa | |
forward | koloke | |
frame | talamu | |
free | fojane | |
friend | biketa | |
from | nikuf | |
front | womamu | |
fruit | wikute | |
full | fosefi | |
fun | babot | |
furniture | kelupu | |
future | jipime | |
game | simoti | |
garden | panope | |
general | jifaka | |
get | butij | |
girl | batuno | |
give | bufo | |
glass | leneno | |
glove | wanita | |
go | kanek | |
goat | tumofu | |
gold | kifiso | |
good | wopa | |
government | lasobo | |
grass | sobinu | |
great | toton | |
green | koleti | |
grey | welipu | |
grip | wawiji | |
group | makuni | |
guide | sibapo | |
gun | fekopu | |
hair | funuka | |
hammer | timofi | |
hand | jiwos | |
hanging | lokatu | |
happy | bojiju | |
harbor | tosanu | |
hard | bomuwo | |
harmony | wobiju | |
hat | lebije | |
hate | fekaku | |
have | saki | |
he | liba | |
head | babej | |
healthy | pelite | |
hearing | memopa | |
heart | fafaku | |
heat | mipute | |
help | tabob | |
here | fiwas | |
hi/hello | jabami | |
high | fijefi | |
history | kekisi | |
hole | fibale | |
hollow | tipeja | |
hook | mopepu | |
hope | bolowe | |
horn | pulaso | |
horse | jubusi | |
hospital | jawawo | |
hour | fulina | |
house | bubas | |
how | lipam | |
humor | sokewi | |
I | pito | |
idea | bitute | |
if | kenet | |
ill | pubemu | |
important | fesuni | |
in | bafop | |
increase | wipamu | |
industry | tofoba | |
ink | wujine | |
inside | pawop | |
instrument | wofenu | |
insurance | momibu | |
interest | lunema | |
iron | sewulo | |
island | mofetu | |
it | supa | |
jelly | wutusa | |
jewel | wunufa | |
join | kekulo | |
journey | saluwe | |
judge | kesomu | |
jump | kuloja | |
keep | babusa | |
key | jusuti | |
kick | kokafo | |
kind | batapa | |
kiss | jeleno | |
knee | suweno | |
knife | makose | |
know | bati | |
knowledge | pekiwi | |
land | seseme | |
language | nawobu | |
last | wonat | |
late | buloku | |
laugh | lekulo | |
law | jewomo | |
lead | kelali | |
learning | pusike | |
leather | tawopu | |
left | webufo | |
leg | linolo | |
let | lutot | |
letter | kemamu | |
level | luleje | |
library | pitebe | |
life | fenob | |
lift | nelete | |
light | foteli | |
like | jutof | |
limit | tewusi | |
line | fewiti | |
lip | tufona | |
liquid | woseta | |
list | kesalo | |
listen | lulaw | |
little | kute | |
living | funite | |
lock | linapi | |
long | lepol | |
look | nokit | |
loose | mimane | |
loss | nufoki | |
loud | mobino | |
love | loki | |
low | likobi | |
machine | kukoma | |
make | pisal | |
male | nelifi | |
man | losa | |
manager | mitika | |
map | nitojo | |
mark | kemoli | |
market | muwase | |
married | fasife | |
mass | sinaju | |
match | mababi | |
material | pokule | |
may | bemotu | |
meal | nulano | |
measure | tupaji | |
meat | mewite | |
medical | lobifa | |
meeting | janoka | |
memory | mafeje | |
metal | sawena | |
middle | jumila | |
military | mimena | |
milk | mifini | |
mind | bibiji | |
mine | busibe | |
minute | bitipa | |
mixed | powitu | |
money | fesis | |
monkey | newuwa | |
month | jopofi | |
moon | komupe | |
morning | bijina | |
mother | fikuj | |
motion | semeje | |
mountain | nasali | |
mouth | jojitu | |
move | biliju | |
much | sufal | |
muscle | tawole | |
music | fupuma | |
must | waboki | |
nail | semeji | |
name | wafub | |
narrow | wuweme | |
nation | pumeti | |
natural | mijafi | |
near | kelumo | |
necessary | manuta | |
neck | lifelo | |
need | pubow | |
needle | tobako | |
nerve | pisulo | |
net | subefe | |
new | kulil | |
news | fowewo | |
night | telal | |
no | buse | |
noise | nefina | |
normal | kukeme | |
north | lejoku | |
nose | kululu | |
not | bimuw | |
note | lokubo | |
now | lamab | |
number | felit | |
nut | sosisu | |
observation | wuneja | |
of | fomu | |
off | pusif | |
offer | kisume | |
office | fifiji | |
oil | mimubu | |
old | bajato | |
on | bawot | |
one | kilu | |
only | kopo | |
open | mifuf | |
operation | mesuku | |
opinion | mikuwi | |
opposite | sukisu | |
or | buno | |
orange | pokoku | |
order | fumene | |
organization | tewowe | |
other | wolej | |
out | kaben | |
outside | bajike | |
oven | wepuka | |
over | pofop | |
owner | pisosa | |
page | mowewe | |
pain | jomala | |
paint | munune | |
paper | banafu | |
part | busamu | |
past | jejale | |
paste | kewopo | |
payment | tulofo | |
peace | kuwuje | |
pen | peneko | |
pencil | watule | |
person | tiwil | |
physical | pabeji | |
picture | witajo | |
pig | mojuwo | |
pin | sopale | |
pipe | sawusa | |
place | bajeji | |
plane | jonubo | |
plant | tiwaba | |
plate | pefuse | |
play | biwasa | |
please | sapup | |
pleasure | kepila | |
nanube | ||
point | fasoli | |
poison | pepima | |
polish | weboko | |
political | posapu | |
poor | jatola | |
porter | sosufe | |
position | komete | |
possible | jijaba | |
pot | pobapo | |
potato | tojufe | |
powder | sopunu | |
power | fasewa | |
present | jukafi | |
price | lonope | |
sajeku | ||
prison | lamela | |
private | kipupu | |
process | nutemi | |
produce | topuse | |
profit | totuba | |
property | nifese | |
protest | wijite | |
public | koteja | |
pull | jalaju | |
pump | tilose | |
punishment | tefumo | |
purpose | nebaja | |
push | kufoli | |
put | tobop | |
quality | semife | |
question | fifupo | |
quick | jimeja | |
quiet | jetupo | |
quite | fifiko | |
rain | mabosu | |
range | pitele | |
rat | nimeto | |
rate | peliku | |
ray | jonawo | |
reaction | sopoko | |
reading | lelejo | |
ready | bipiki | |
reason | filaja | |
receipt | wunelu | |
record | kamoju | |
red | tifeke | |
regret | pajafe | |
regular | nenepo | |
religion | tapafo | |
request | pejujo | |
respect | koniko | |
responsible | mefibo | |
rest | felapo | |
reward | sewetu | |
rhythm | towuno | |
rice | sulese | |
right | besati | |
ring | jufebu | |
river | lisimi | |
road | jikafe | |
robot | lobo | |
rod | tujojo | |
roll | lekalo | |
roof | nanume | |
room | bifabe | |
root | tupoli | |
rough | mufisu | |
round | lajeja | |
rub | sujelu | |
rule | mafusu | |
run | bobuja | |
sad | lekaja | |
safe | jalawe | |
sail | tatewa | |
salt | sanena | |
same | jebab | |
sand | putiba | |
say | palak | |
scale | wejeta | |
school | bokubo | |
science | mulisi | |
screw | mowapa | |
sea | lesuma | |
seat | kijopo | |
second | bufawa | |
secret | jilaja | |
secretary | nijabi | |
see | make | |
seed | wufobi | |
seem | jalinu | |
self | takanu | |
send | fofuki | |
sense | janulu | |
separate | posiji | |
serious | jabiju | |
servant | tiwine | |
sex | nafewu | |
shake | mofata | |
shame | mimeme | |
sharp | pibuba | |
she | mona | |
sheep | tejoni | |
ship | jitufi | |
shirt | malifu | |
shock | nupawo | |
shoe | nonisa | |
short | kamipu | |
shut | bulumu | |
side | tuwun | |
sign | jamawu | |
silk | watuwi | |
silver | nofiju | |
simple | julewa | |
sister | fofala | |
size | malula | |
skin | mesuba | |
skirt | watemu | |
sky | melifu | |
sleep | masup | |
slip | pefowe | |
slow | kipupi | |
small | jatuwe | |
smash | wiwofe | |
smell | kelowo | |
smile | lililo | |
smoke | lanuna | |
smooth | sesefu | |
snake | pojeja | |
snow | nojebu | |
so | jobew | |
soap | sukumi | |
society | nikajo | |
sock | wepipo | |
soft | ninota | |
solid | fewisu | |
some | nutat | |
something | puku | |
son | bipane | |
song | jowatu | |
sort | futaba | |
sound | mifemo | |
soup | pelake | |
south | latibo | |
space | lalaso | |
special | futatu | |
spoon | wosufo | |
spring | nojime | |
square | nobuki | |
stage | mebame | |
star | kepetu | |
start | bofute | |
statement | nubuno | |
station | kifeji | |
stay | tipet | |
steam | tebewe | |
steel | sepata | |
step | jesime | |
stick | jonefu | |
stiff | wabewa | |
still | wimut | |
stitch | wukewu | |
stomach | nesamu | |
stone | mipesi | |
stop | babalu | |
store | kepete | |
story | fefule | |
straight | jekesa | |
strange | jutota | |
street | jabube | |
stretch | tafali | |
strong | jupusa | |
structure | wakuse | |
substance | wutobo | |
such | bubafo | |
sudden | nibofo | |
sugar | motiwi | |
suggestion | tineti | |
summer | kikama | |
sun | fokibu | |
support | luteka | |
surprise | junapu | |
sweet | lenesi | |
swim | niwaku | |
system | jufifo | |
table | jineme | |
tail | pesuna | |
take | nomes | |
talk | seni | |
tall | nimewi | |
taste | luluno | |
tax | tafapu | |
teaching | samafe | |
test | kefoju | |
than | wobap | |
that | pimo | |
then | pikik | |
theory | nupike | |
there | fopaf | |
thick | tanepu | |
thin | safufi | |
thing | sowob | |
this | bamas | |
though | fiwoju | |
thought | tukaj | |
throat | nanipi | |
through | bebibe | |
thumb | tofepa | |
thunder | tekuka | |
ticket | matubu | |
tight | lunupa | |
till | fosonu | |
time | nojeb | |
tin | wiloki | |
tired | jijoso | |
toe | tijumi | |
together | bitabu | |
tommorrow | bojifu | |
tongue | noleka | |
too | peka | |
tooth | tawuno | |
top | jalule | |
touch | jajujo | |
town | buwija | |
trade | natuta | |
train | jopofo | |
transport | tokijo | |
tray | wofuba | |
tree | latewi | |
trick | majefi | |
trouble | fawufi | |
true | busapa | |
turn | botama | |
twist | timabi | |
two | seju | |
umbrella | wujone | |
under | buneka | |
unit | nakelo | |
universe | tasesa | |
up | kape | |
use | seput | |
value | powako | |
very, also the word marker for plural grammatical numbering | tuji | |
vessel | wejewi | |
view | molali | |
violent | sojufu | |
voice | kafame | |
waiting | fepasa | |
walk | fosit | |
wall | kubitu | |
want | jiwi | |
war | folopi | |
warm | lujesu | |
wash | minuba | |
waste | lopapi | |
watch | bolapo | |
water | tejim | |
wave | pubito | |
wax | wenafe | |
way | nawe | |
weather | nejapa | |
week | fapiko | |
weight | musoko | |
well | lukot | |
west | lepaso | |
wet | mojemu | |
what | biwu | |
wheel | paketa | |
while | bofabi | |
whip | temuwi | |
whistle | sujosi | |
white | fepaka | |
who | mumub | |
why | mojuf | |
wide | pewebe | |
will | nibif | |
wind | lijowe | |
window | kajona | |
wine | lepoba | |
wing | puwitu | |
winter | pataje | |
wire | nuwoma | |
wise | nupomu | |
with | bopup | |
woman | nipib | |
wood | pakula | |
word | fatatu | |
word marker for future tense | jifo | |
word marker for past tense | jifi | |
work | towo | |
worm | wamilu | |
wound | papebe | |
writing | linufu | |
wrong | bemeko | |
year | buliwi | |
yellow | wipoba | |
yesterday | joninu | |
you | bama | |
young | fafobe |
Here is the same table, now from ROILA words to English meanings.
ROILA | English | Audio (Coming Soon) |
babalu | stop | |
babej | head | |
babot | fun | |
babusa | keep | |
bafema | after | |
bafop | in | |
bajato | old | |
bajeji | place | |
bajike | outside | |
bama | you | |
bamas | this | |
banafu | paper | |
batapa | kind | |
bati | know | |
batuno | girl | |
batuwa | father | |
bawot | on | |
bebibe | through | |
bekusa | every | |
belutu | boy | |
bemeko | wrong | |
bemotu | may | |
besati | right | |
besesu | baby | |
besili | enough | |
besowu | care | |
bibiji | mind | |
biboko | dead | |
bifabe | room | |
bijej | for | |
bijina | morning | |
biketa | friend | |
biliju | move | |
bimuj | do | |
bimuw | not | |
bipane | son | |
bipiki | ready | |
bitabu | together | |
bitipa | minute | |
bitute | idea | |
biwasa | play | |
biwome | family | |
biwu | what | |
bobuja | run | |
bofabi | while | |
bofute | start | |
bojifu | tommorrow | |
bojiju | happy | |
bokubo | school | |
bolapo | watch | |
bolemo | business | |
bolowe | hope | |
bomefu | cause | |
bomem | all | |
bomuwo | hard | |
bopup | with | |
bosipu | cold | |
botama | turn | |
bowata | door | |
bubafo | such | |
bubas | house | |
bubime | face | |
bufak | away | |
bufawa | second | |
bufo | give | |
bufofe | brother | |
bujeti | dirty | |
bujufi | beautiful | |
bukuf | death | |
buliwi | year | |
buloku | late | |
bulumu | shut | |
buneka | under | |
buno | or | |
busamu | part | |
busapa | true | |
buse | no | |
busenu | fish | |
busibe | mine | |
butij | get | |
buwija | town | |
fabutu | drink | |
fafaku | heart | |
fafobe | young | |
faliwu | chance | |
fanajo | change | |
fapiko | week | |
fasewa | power | |
fasife | married | |
fasoli | point | |
fatatu | word | |
fatimu | bit | |
fawofo | cut | |
fawufi | trouble | |
febiti | dear | |
fefule | story | |
fejupu | far | |
fekaku | hate | |
fekopu | gun | |
felapo | rest | |
felit | number | |
fenob | life | |
fepaka | white | |
fepasa | waiting | |
fesis | money | |
fesisi | different | |
fesuni | important | |
fewisu | solid | |
fewiti | line | |
fibale | hole | |
fifiji | office | |
fifiko | quite | |
fifufo | against | |
fifupo | question | |
fijefi | high | |
fiki | come | |
fikuj | mother | |
filaja | reason | |
finos | body | |
fipolu | almost | |
fipuko | dog | |
fisama | bed | |
fitani | blood | |
fituje | accident | |
fiwas | here | |
fiwoju | though | |
fofala | sister | |
fofuki | send | |
fojane | free | |
fojato | book | |
fojib | but | |
fokibu | sun | |
fokofo | answer | |
folifo | between | |
folopi | war | |
fomose | fact | |
fomu | of | |
fomuja | clear | |
fonebe | daughter | |
fopaf | there | |
fopena | feeling | |
fosefi | full | |
fosit | walk | |
fosonu | till | |
foteli | light | |
fowewo | news | |
fulina | hour | |
fulinu | country | |
fumela | able | |
fumene | order | |
funite | living | |
funuka | hair | |
fupuma | music | |
futaba | sort | |
futatu | special | |
jabami | hi/hello | |
jabiju | serious | |
jabube | street | |
jajujo | touch | |
jakapu | company | |
jalaju | pull | |
jalawe | safe | |
jalinu | seem | |
jalule | top | |
jamawu | sign | |
janoka | meeting | |
janulu | sense | |
japipa | black | |
jasinu | control | |
jasupa | drop | |
jatola | poor | |
jatuwe | small | |
jawawo | hospital | |
jebab | same | |
jejale | past | |
jekesa | straight | |
jekute | clean | |
jeleno | kiss | |
jesime | step | |
jetepe | fall | |
jetupo | quiet | |
jewomo | law | |
jifaka | general | |
jifi | word marker for past tense | |
jifo | word marker for future tense | |
jijaba | possible | |
jijoso | tired | |
jikafe | road | |
jilaja | secret | |
jilufe | act | |
jimeja | quick | |
jimope | early | |
jineme | table | |
jinolu | ball | |
jipime | future | |
jipipi | floor | |
jisape | building | |
jiseku | earth | |
jitufi | ship | |
jiwi | want | |
jiwos | hand | |
jobeku | attention | |
jobew | so | |
jojitu | mouth | |
jomala | pain | |
jomemi | blow | |
jonawo | ray | |
jonefu | stick | |
joninu | yesterday | |
jonofi | boat | |
jonubo | plane | |
jopofi | month | |
jopofo | train | |
josipi | cover | |
josoko | across | |
jotaka | bag | |
jowatu | song | |
jubusi | horse | |
jufebu | ring | |
jufifo | system | |
jukafi | present | |
julewa | simple | |
jumila | middle | |
junapu | surprise | |
junobi | dark | |
junuku | dress | |
jupusa | strong | |
jusaw | everything | |
jusuti | key | |
jutof | like | |
jutota | strange | |
juwike | difference | |
kaben | out | |
kafame | voice | |
kajona | window | |
kalutu | army | |
kamipu | short | |
kamoju | record | |
kanek | go | |
kape | up | |
kapim | about | |
kapuwe | card | |
kasok | big | |
kawuba | button | |
kebase | certain | |
kefoji | fly | |
kefoju | test | |
kekisi | history | |
kekulo | join | |
kela | anything | |
kelali | lead | |
kelowo | smell | |
kelumo | near | |
kelupu | furniture | |
kemamu | letter | |
kemoli | mark | |
kenet | if | |
kepete | store | |
kepetu | star | |
kepila | pleasure | |
kesalo | list | |
kesomu | judge | |
kewopo | paste | |
kifefi | fat | |
kifeji | station | |
kifiso | gold | |
kijo | because | |
kijopo | seat | |
kikama | summer | |
kilu | one | |
kinelu | chief | |
kinili | brain | |
kinipi | deep | |
kipupi | slow | |
kipupu | private | |
kisate | attack | |
kisume | offer | |
kiwulo | driving | |
kokafo | kick | |
koleti | green | |
koloke | forward | |
komete | position | |
komupe | moon | |
koniko | respect | |
konowi | broken | |
kopo | only | |
kosino | crime | |
koteja | public | |
kowonu | art | |
kubitu | wall | |
kufake | force | |
kufim | at | |
kufoli | push | |
kukeme | normal | |
kukoma | machine | |
kulami | field | |
kulil | new | |
kuloja | jump | |
kululu | nose | |
kumake | church | |
kute | little | |
kutuju | blue | |
kuwuje | peace | |
lajaso | fear | |
lajeja | round | |
lakowo | cat | |
lalaso | space | |
lamab | now | |
lamela | prison | |
lamine | bug | |
lanila | cry | |
lanuna | smoke | |
lanuwe | arm | |
lasobo | government | |
latewi | tree | |
latibo | south | |
lawuti | bottom | |
lebije | hat | |
lefabi | board | |
lejoku | north | |
lekaja | sad | |
lekalo | roll | |
lekulo | laugh | |
lelaka | doubt | |
lelejo | reading | |
leneno | glass | |
lenesi | sweet | |
lepaso | west | |
lepepu | experience | |
lepoba | wine | |
lepol | long | |
lesaka | brown | |
lesuma | sea | |
leto | can | |
lewute | flight | |
liba | he | |
lifelo | neck | |
lifelu | eye | |
lijowe | wind | |
likobi | low | |
likoja | angry | |
likopu | clock | |
lililo | smile | |
limuna | camera | |
linapi | lock | |
linolo | leg | |
linufu | writing | |
lipam | how | |
lisimi | river | |
lisune | burn | |
litifa | decision | |
lobifa | medical | |
lobo | robot | |
lokatu | hanging | |
loki | love | |
lokubo | note | |
lomuto | band | |
lonope | price | |
lopapi | waste | |
losa | man | |
lufimu | copy | |
lujesu | warm | |
lujusi | box | |
lukana | complete | |
lukile | cup | |
lukot | well | |
lulaw | listen | |
luleje | level | |
luluno | taste | |
lunema | interest | |
lunupa | tight | |
lupuma | bottle | |
luteka | support | |
lutot | let | |
luwali | east | |
mababi | match | |
mabosu | rain | |
mafeje | memory | |
mafusu | rule | |
majefi | trick | |
make | see | |
makose | knife | |
makuni | group | |
malifu | shirt | |
malula | size | |
manuta | necessary | |
masabi | credit | |
masete | bridge | |
masup | sleep | |
matubu | ticket | |
mawobu | cook | |
mebame | stage | |
mebiju | cake | |
mefibo | responsible | |
mekobi | breath | |
melifu | sky | |
memopa | hearing | |
menoka | account | |
menomo | common | |
mesewi | bright | |
mesuba | skin | |
mesuku | operation | |
metoto | danger | |
mewite | meat | |
mewuse | dry | |
mifemo | sound | |
mififa | form | |
mifini | milk | |
mifuf | open | |
mijafi | natural | |
mikafa | coat | |
mikuwi | opinion | |
mimane | loose | |
mimeme | shame | |
mimena | military | |
mimubu | oil | |
mimujo | chest | |
minino | bite | |
minuba | wash | |
mipesi | stone | |
mipuki | bird | |
mipute | heat | |
mitika | manager | |
mobino | loud | |
mofata | shake | |
mofetu | island | |
mojefi | bell | |
mojemu | wet | |
mojuf | why | |
mojuwo | pig | |
mokafu | cheese | |
molali | view | |
momibu | insurance | |
mona | she | |
mopepu | hook | |
motaju | condition | |
motiwi | sugar | |
mowapa | screw | |
mowewe | page | |
mufe | be | |
mufisu | rough | |
mulisi | science | |
mumub | who | |
munune | paint | |
mupine | finger | |
musoko | weight | |
muwak | as | |
muwase | market | |
nafewu | sex | |
nafoju | cheap | |
nakelo | unit | |
nanipi | throat | |
nanube | ||
nanume | roof | |
nasali | mountain | |
nasupi | base | |
natuta | trade | |
nawe | way | |
nawobu | language | |
nebaja | purpose | |
nefina | noise | |
nejapa | weather | |
nejoj | fire | |
nelete | lift | |
nelifi | male | |
nelobi | among | |
nenepo | regular | |
nesamu | stomach | |
newuwa | monkey | |
nibif | will | |
nibofo | sudden | |
nifese | property | |
nijabi | secretary | |
nijofa | damage | |
nikajo | society | |
nikuf | from | |
nimawu | crack | |
nimeto | rat | |
nimewi | tall | |
ninebi | fixed | |
ninota | soft | |
nipepo | ear | |
nipib | woman | |
nipumo | engine | |
nitojo | map | |
niwaku | swim | |
nobuki | square | |
nofiju | silver | |
nojafo | female | |
nojeb | time | |
nojebu | snow | |
nojime | spring | |
nokit | look | |
nole | back | |
noleka | tongue | |
nolosu | bath | |
nomes | take | |
nonisa | shoe | |
notupu | farm | |
nuboka | example | |
nubuno | statement | |
nufoki | loss | |
nulano | meal | |
nupawo | shock | |
nupike | theory | |
nupomu | wise | |
nususa | bread | |
nutat | some | |
nutemi | process | |
nuwofo | birth | |
nuwoma | wire | |
pabeji | physical | |
pabipe | connection | |
pabulu | food | |
pajafe | regret | |
paketa | wheel | |
pakula | wood | |
pakume | awake | |
palak | say | |
panope | garden | |
papebe | wound | |
pasote | event | |
pataje | winter | |
patap | crazy | |
pawoba | flat | |
pawop | inside | |
pawume | disease | |
pebafe | bone | |
pefawa | egg | |
pefowe | slip | |
pefuse | plate | |
pejabu | distance | |
pejujo | request | |
peka | too | |
pekiwi | knowledge | |
pekot | end | |
pekumi | cow | |
pelake | soup | |
peliku | rate | |
pelite | healthy | |
pemona | amount | |
peneko | pen | |
pepima | poison | |
pesiko | direction | |
pesuna | tail | |
petamu | effect | |
petej | down | |
petiju | dust | |
pewebe | wide | |
pibuba | sharp | |
pikik | then | |
pikulo | apple | |
pileki | edge | |
pimo | that | |
pisal | make | |
pisosa | owner | |
pisulo | nerve | |
pitebe | library | |
pitele | range | |
pito | I | |
piwaja | flower | |
pobapo | pot | |
pofan | by | |
pofop | over | |
pofuko | behavior | |
pojeja | snake | |
pokoku | orange | |
pokule | material | |
pomino | expert | |
pomofe | committee | |
popike | animal | |
posapu | political | |
posiji | separate | |
poteto | circle | |
powako | value | |
powitu | mixed | |
pubemu | ill | |
pubito | wave | |
pubow | need | |
pubowu | authority | |
pufoni | chain | |
pujowi | false | |
puku | something | |
pulaso | horn | |
pulawu | competition | |
pumeti | nation | |
punolo | butter | |
pusif | off | |
pusike | learning | |
putiba | sand | |
puwase | desire | |
puwitu | wing | |
safile | exchange | |
safufi | thin | |
sajeku | ||
saki | have | |
saluwe | journey | |
samafe | teaching | |
samala | education | |
sanena | salt | |
sapup | please | |
sawena | metal | |
sawuli | detail | |
sawusa | pipe | |
seju | two | |
sekuja | attempt | |
semeje | motion | |
semeji | nail | |
semife | quality | |
seni | talk | |
senoto | division | |
sepata | steel | |
sepawi | cruel | |
seput | use | |
sesefu | smooth | |
seseme | land | |
sewetu | reward | |
sewulo | iron | |
sibapo | guide | |
sijulu | foolish | |
sikufe | flag | |
similu | agreement | |
simoti | game | |
sinaju | mass | |
sinefa | comfort | |
sinuju | electric | |
sipoja | current | |
sisana | argument | |
sisumo | crush | |
sobinu | grass | |
sojan | any | |
sojufu | violent | |
sokewi | humor | |
sopale | pin | |
sopoko | reaction | |
sopoma | design | |
sopunu | powder | |
sosisu | nut | |
sosufe | porter | |
sotuja | foot | |
sowob | thing | |
sowu | and | |
subefe | net | |
sufal | much | |
sujelu | rub | |
sujosi | whistle | |
sukisu | opposite | |
sukumi | soap | |
sulese | rice | |
sumafu | balance | |
supa | it | |
supofa | angle | |
susita | degree | |
suweno | knee | |
tabob | help | |
tafali | stretch | |
tafapu | tax | |
tafite | debt | |
tafuwo | cotton | |
tajumu | brush | |
takanu | self | |
talamu | frame | |
tanepu | thick | |
tapafo | religion | |
tasesa | universe | |
tatewa | sail | |
tawole | muscle | |
tawopu | leather | |
tawuno | tooth | |
tawut | even | |
tebewe | steam | |
tefumo | punishment | |
tejim | water | |
tejoni | sheep | |
tekafo | equal | |
tekuka | thunder | |
telal | night | |
temini | basket | |
temuwi | whip | |
tewola | complex | |
tewowe | organization | |
tewusi | limit | |
tibawi | drawer | |
tibawu | blade | |
tifeke | red | |
tijumi | toe | |
tikulu | chin | |
tilose | pump | |
timabi | twist | |
timofi | hammer | |
tinalo | development | |
tineti | suggestion | |
tipeja | hollow | |
tipet | stay | |
titame | discussion | |
titib | first | |
tiwaba | plant | |
tiwil | person | |
tiwine | servant | |
tobaka | brass | |
tobako | needle | |
tobop | put | |
tofepa | thumb | |
tofine | cloud | |
tofiwu | existence | |
tofoba | industry | |
tofomu | destruction | |
tofumu | discovery | |
tojiki | chemical | |
tojufe | potato | |
tokijo | transport | |
toloji | boot | |
tomeku | bitter | |
topik | bad | |
topuse | produce | |
tosanu | harbor | |
toton | great | |
totuba | profit | |
towo | work | |
towuno | rhythm | |
tufona | lip | |
tuji | very, also the word marker for plural grammatical numbering | |
tujojo | rod | |
tukaj | thought | |
tulofo | payment | |
tumofu | goat | |
tupaji | measure | |
tupebe | collar | |
tupoli | root | |
tusani | bee | |
tutuko | curtain | |
tuwun | side | |
wabewa | stiff | |
waboki | must | |
wafub | name | |
wajipi | brick | |
wakuse | structure | |
wamilu | worm | |
wanita | glove | |
wanowi | branch | |
wapisi | bucket | |
watemu | skirt | |
watenu | acid | |
watule | pencil | |
watuwi | silk | |
wawiji | grip | |
weboko | polish | |
webufo | left | |
wefipu | delicate | |
wejeta | scale | |
wejewi | vessel | |
wekapa | error | |
wekepo | color | |
welipu | grey | |
welona | flame | |
wemete | device | |
wenafe | wax | |
wenosi | cart | |
wepip | day | |
wepipo | sock | |
wepuka | oven | |
weseto | fork | |
wetok | feel | |
wetow | before | |
wifawe | air | |
wijite | protest | |
wikab | fight | |
wikef | again | |
wikito | cough | |
wikute | fruit | |
wiloki | tin | |
wimut | still | |
wineno | drain | |
winusu | fold | |
wipamu | increase | |
wipoba | yellow | |
witajo | picture | |
witofi | burst | |
wiweno | approval | |
wiwofe | smash | |
wobap | than | |
wobiju | harmony | |
wofenu | instrument | |
wofuba | tray | |
wolej | other | |
womamu | front | |
wonat | last | |
wopa | good | |
wosebi | addition | |
woseta | liquid | |
woseti | belief | |
wosufo | spoon | |
wufiw | ever | |
wufobi | seed | |
wujine | ink | |
wujone | umbrella | |
wukewu | stitch | |
wulelu | carriage | |
wuneja | observation | |
wunelu | receipt | |
wunufa | jewel | |
wusiwu | bent | |
wutobo | substance | |
wutusa | jelly | |
wuweme | narrow |
Nice phone spread, except maybe n/m problems.
How is accent (stress or pitch or whatever) assigned or is that passed over as requiring too much wiring (leaving the robot voice of lore)? -
Five of the consonants are labial, separated by minimal differences; does this really optimize distinctions? The four dentals seem more clearly separated and the k and j are obviously distinct.
Bilabials tend to be really common cross-linguistically, so I don’t know that it’s that weird (although it seems like a robot would have some issue with them).
Stranger, I think, is the lack of non-low back vowels. Is this because of speech recognition issues? It’s very weird cross-linguistically, and I’d guess you’ll have human learners who have issues with it (especially with your /e/ versus /a/ and /u/ versus /o/).
Actually, I was just listening to the audio samples here ( and I think the issue might be more that your IPA transcriptions are off, since the pronunciations sound like what I’d expect from the letters.
Probably should have used at minimum Special English or Simplified English. Basic English is highly dependent on English turns of phrase, and whats the point of purposely making a separate language if chunks of it only make sense in context of English.
All above, you claim that ROILA “is constructed to make it easy for humans to learn”.
I really don’t get how this can be said of a vocabulary that is — from the human point of view — constructed randomly of some vowels and consonants, without an underlying system that helps memoizing those words. Perhaps it would have been possible to have a human-friendly system as well as a machine-friendly low-confusion generation.
I agree with Onymous — the Basic English vocabulary is a very poor choice to base the lexicon on. As Mark Rosenfelder puts it (“), *Ogden and Richards cheated*: the expressivity of Basic English relies crucially on the English polysemy and the English idiomatic constructions the words they selected are involved in. These are things you’d do well not to replicate in ROILA.
I’m worried you’ve already fallen into this trap, actually. On the Grammar page you have _Pimo kapim kanek_ “I about go”. Why does “about” mark the immediate future? If that’s the only thing you use _kapim_ for, then you should gloss it as such; but if it also means “relating to” or “approximately” or “around, nearby” or …, then I smell a thoughtless calque of English.Making the past and future markers _jifi_, _jifo_ differ only in one vowel is a bad idea for distinctiveness, especially given your focus on machine understanding. They’ll more easily be confused with each other this way.
What is “pasteice” (_kewopo_)?
In general the language falls the counter intuitive problem; the simpler the language is the MORE difficult it is to parse.
Here is a little ROILA live search dictionary I put together:
There is also a field for creating practice sentences while you use the dictionary. -
Pingback from ROILA « Jezustoast on July 25, 2010 at 17:04
Pito loki ROILA.
Pingback from kulil nawobu « lexikographieblog on September 23, 2010 at 14:24
How does it deal with names?
What are the intended meanings of the following ambiguous words? (Or do they include all the English meanings?)
back nole
band lomuto
can leto
earth jiseku
fall jetepe
fat kifefi
fly kefoji
glass leneno
horn pulaso
judge kesomu
kind batapa
lead kelali
letter kemamu
light foteli
like jutof
orange pokoku
plane jonubo
present jukafi
right besati
second bufawa
slip pefowe
spring nojime
stage mebame
step jesime
still wimut
then pikik
too peka
watch bolapo
will nibif -
What’s ROILA for “ROILA”?
(ROILA has no “r”)
The vowels are somewhat unusual: A E I O U for [æ] [e] [i] [o] [ʌ]. Confusing when you try to read.
ROILA’s phonotactics: CV..CV or CV…CVC, created “for ease of machine recognition” is suspicious. The final consonant of preceding word at word boundaries may disappear with improper pronunciation. Some audio examples show this improper pronunciation (maybe it was just created on speech synthesizer, not in any way specialized in ROILA, but designed for English/Spanish. ROILA is not English/Spanish, and it should have specialized speech synthesizer.) In phrase “fosit jifi” words were in no way separated, “t” was not aspirated/emphasized, it wasn’t even audible! Maybe it is not supposed to be pronounced in that way?
BTW. If you just disallow CV…CVC, no consonant clusters can appear.
Were the words created by some algorithm (to attempt ease of distinction/pronunciation/recognition), or just randomly generated according to phonotactics?
Does the system automatically see word boundaries or there should be pauses?
Is there some pitch/stress? Is syllable length constant? -
Pingback from ROILA, un lenguaje diseñado para robots on April 16, 2012 at 11:41
In the Book, Learning ROILA, it says the ‘o’ is pronounced as OH (boat, moan).
On this website under Language guide (and in the audio examples) it says that ‘o’ is pronounce as AO (frost).
Which is correct?
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